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Notebook Customisation

The web notebook is an extremely flexible application completely built in javascript, html and css, which allows many modifications to be done to the frontend.

A relatively active group of developers at the time of this writing have group a huge number of extension under the umbrella of IPython-contrib. The best practice to wr

Install nbextension

Installing notebook extensions for the notebook.

you can use either the programatic API with the same name

ipython install-nbextension path/url

this should install the file for the extension in /usr/share/jupyterhub so that they could be shared between all notebook users.

To activate extension you could load the extension manually in your custom.js, but the simplest way is to modify the frontend configuration file(s) to tell the notebook which extension to load.

The frontend config file is a per user file situated in the profile used to run the notebook. By default this should be ~/.ipython/profile_default. In the profile directory, modify, or create, nbextension/notebook.json to contain the following:

"load_extensions": [